WARNING: This story is NC-17 for sex and toy usage

WARNING: This story is NC-17 for sex and toy usage
Title: Midnight Snack
Author: Outwin601
Rating: NC-17 for sexual content and toy usage.
Pairing: J/7
Setting: Mess Hall (Neelix's Kitchen)
For CaptainKatie's Kitchen Challenge
Summary: Janeway needs to satisfy a craving and finds more than she bargained for when Seven joins her.
Disclaimer: Paramount owns anything relating to Star Trek.
Thanks Katie for inspiring me once again!
Midnight Snack
Seven of Nine entered through the starboard Mess Hall doors to find a dark, uninhabited room with the only illumination coming from Neelix's food preparation area, which cast a soft light into the main seating area. Seven visually scanned the room and was just about to make her second inquiry to Voyager's computer as to Captain Janeway's location when she heard a slight clinking sound from the galley and an all too familiar frustrated voice shortly follow.
"Oh for the love of..."
Seven moved toward the galley's open sliding glass divider looking into the preparation area. There, with her head and upper body thrust deep into the lower shelf of the utility rack was Captain Kathryn Janeway. She seemed to be foraging for something that she could not reach, on her knees with what Seven realized as her relatively shapely rear end up in the air.
Seven stood there for a moment, appreciating this rather undignified view of her Captain. Unobserved she could let her eyes linger on the woman she had come to appreciate as much more than just her Captain or her friend, Seven knew that Kathryn Janeway was the only person on Voyager that she would ever trust with her life, and her heart. Seven smiled to herself watching the Captain rummaging around on all fours. This woman who always seemed so controlled and proper, now seemed more like Naomi Wildman searching through her closet for a misplaced toy.
"May I be of assistance, Captain?" Seven's clear voice breaking the silence caused Janeway to start, she rose quickly, banging her head on the shelf above with a loud clatter as she did.
"Ouch... Shit!" Kathryn pulled out quickly rubbing the back of her head while spinning around to look at Seven with a stern glare. She promptly managed to pull herself up off the floor, placing one hand behind her back, straightened her uniform and pulled her command mask in place with one fluid movement. Seven's occipital implant raised in appreciation of the scene as it played out from haphazard start to immaculate finish.
"No thank you, Seven, I was simply trying to retrieve... something that fell behind the shelf"
Kathryn reached up, tugging at her collar with her unoccupied hand while tilting her head slightly. "What brings you here this time of night, looking for a midnight snack?"
Kathryn attempted to maintain her cool, but she felt like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar by the one person whose indelible image had caused her to make this little unscheduled trip to Neelix's kitchen in the first place. The "something" she spoke of, now held tightly in her right hand hidden behind her back, was intended to help ease the ache she carried for this very woman. She was not sure what the utensil's intended culinary use was, but the shape and texture always reminded her of a Risan ecstasy wand and now she felt a bit flushed with the thought of it.
Seven watched the Captain's color begin to heighten, her respiration increased and her pupils dilated slightly. She also noticed that a small sheen of perspiration had formed on the Captains brow, reminding Seven of how Janeway appeared after a rather active game of Velocity.
"I was wondering if we might continue our discussion from the previous evening regarding human sexuality and the signs of mutual attraction?" Seven moved around the partition bringing herself to stand directly in front of the Captain.
Kathryn had to concentrate on maintaining her casual demeanor, but inside she had already rolled her eyes, thrown her head back and looked to the heavens for strength in the face of this temptation. Oh Gods! Not again! The discussion from the previous evening was the very reason Kathryn was in this state in the first place. Her entire shift that day and all the hours leading to this encounter were spent reviewing and rehashing that very conversation in some way or another. Not just the content of the questions that Seven had asked, but the feelings and realizations that the topic caused in the resistant Starfleet Captain.
"Oh, I don't know, Seven, I was planning on getting to bed." Kathryn's voice fluttered a bit as she finished the sentence, feeling the heat begin to rise in her cheeks. Oh for heaven's sake, Katie, can you not say anything to this woman without feeling like it is a veiled invitation for her to make love to you. As Kathryn looked down she realized she had unconsciously brought her other hand around in front of her and was now twiddling with the utensil in a rather suggestive way in front of Seven. Janeway's eyes went wide at the realization. "Perhaps another time?" She quickly placed the tool on the shelf to her right then looked back at Seven who seemed to be almost smirking.
"Captain, I have noticed a not so subtle change in your demeanor since I initiated our conversation last evening, as well as an increase in what Samantha Wildman would call "fidgeting" whenever we are within close proximity." Seven looked directly into Kathryn's eyes, then moved a bit closer and cocked her jaw ever so slightly daring the captain to deny her observation.
Kathryn Janeway did something completely uncharacteristic at that moment, she leaned back away from Seven to maintain her comfort zone, those vital centimeters that were ever so tentatively maintaining the boundary between control and her desire for Seven. She could not speak at the moment, her mouth instantly dry at Seven's words.
Seven scrutinized her Captain, instantly assessing the flush of Janeway's skin, the further increase of her heart and respiratory rates as well as other physical signs, realizing that these were all being caused by what could only be arousal within her mentor and friend. At that realization, the corner of her mouth raised in a slight smile. The Captain is attracted to me.
Seven reached for the discarded utensil that the Captain had hastily placed on the shelf, retrieving it and holding it within the Captain's line of sight while examining it closely.
"Were you about to prepare a 'Midnight Snack' for yourself with this, Captain?"
The look in Seven's eyes caused a sudden heat wave to move through Kathryn's body, starting within her at the tips of her toes and shooting quickly up to the top of her head, bringing with it every nerve in her body to full attention, then focusing back at her center. Kathryn opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again taking a deep breath instead. She cannot mean that in the way...does she realize how that could be interpreted? Down, Katie, this is Seven for goodness sake. She wouldn't use innuendo, she is too direct. Kathryn searched Seven's eyes for some hint of what she was thinking. She noted the twinkle and slight upturn of the corner of Seven's mouth. Is she actually flirting with me? Does she understand what she's doing? Gaining her composure Kathryn decided to test her theory.
"Well... I have always wondered what this was used for..." Kathryn then gave a little crooked grin taking the device from Seven before she finished. "The last time I saw something like this it wasn't exactly being used for food preparation." She watched Seven closely, expecting her standard reaction when the Captain brought any new phrase or reference to their conversations. Seven would clear her expression and request an explanation. But instead of falling to form, Seven's eyes sparkled.
"I was sworn to secrecy by Neelix regarding the function of this device, but I will tell you if you promise not to share the information." Her eyes were dancing as she drew Kathryn in. A lump began to form in the back of Kathryn's throat, suddenly realizing that she was very likely moving into unexplored territory with Seven, the thought of that frightened and excited her at the same time. Words escaped Janeway, her mouth now quite dry, all she could manage was a subtle nod of her head to let Seven know she was willing to continue.
Seven lifted her eyebrow, pleased that the Captain was allowing her to go on with her intended course of action. She now moved closer to the Captain, within her personal space, bringing her mouth centimeters from Kathryn's ear. This time Kathryn did not draw away.
"When properly thrust into certain fruit.... it is designed to have a stimulating effect, allowing the extraction of ...sweet nectars." Seven's voice was deep and breathy caressing Kathryn's ear. The sound of her voice and feel of Seven's breath caused a physical manifestation of heat within Kathryn almost making her drop the implement. Kathryn gasped ever so slightly at the word "fruit", then closing her eyes as Seven finished her description, trying to control her now more rapid breathing, fighting the warm sensation as it slowly passed. When Kathryn managed to compose herself and again opened her eyes Seven was no longer in front of her but facing the control panel at the aft door of the galley entering commands.
Seven watched the effect her words and vocalization had on the Captain. The effect was exactly as she expected. The Captain's respiration and heart rate accelerated along with a subtle flush to Janeway's skin, as well as what Seven assumed was an unconscious movement of the Captain's body toward her. What Seven didn't expect was the effect her Captain's reaction would have on her. She too was experiencing similar physical manifestations of arousal as well as some very stimulating sensations in her mid section and she felt correct in the assumption that the Captain would be experiencing them as well.
Although most of the reference material Seven had accessed on human mating and sexuality had been geared to heterosexual couplings, there was an extensive database related to same sex pairings, and while she did not understand why at the time, she had paid close attention to the female to female techniques she had viewed. Now the thought of expanding her relationship with Kathryn, utilizing that information caused her to question the functioning of her nanoprobes, feeling the moisture begin to form between her legs.
She watched as the Captain stood with eyes closed attempting to level her breathing, the look of what Seven interpreted to be her Captain fighting for control playing across Kathryn's face. In that moment Seven realized that if she did not act quickly, her Captain would make an all too hasty retreat from this pivotal moment and her opportunity would be lost.
She swiftly moved to the galley door and began to enter a series of Borg inscription codes restricting access to the Mess Hall at all three entry points as well as privacy screening, shutting down all security monitoring of the area. Voice access to Voyager's computer within the Mess Hall was restricted to her own only.
Kathryn opened her eyes, observing Seven at the door controls. Not comprehending what Seven was doing the Captain instantly attempted to collect herself, realizing that she needed to remove herself from this situation.
"Seven, I should be heading back to my quarters." Kathryn's voice was a bit softer and less sure than she had intended. She placed the utensil back on the shelf and nervously smoothed the front of her uniform jacket. "I am sure the Doctor can better answer any..."
Seven turned at that moment to face the Captain, making Kathryn's next words dissolve before they could escape her throat. The predatory look in Seven's eyes causing the Captain to watch in stunned silence as Seven moved to her, stopping so close that there was barely enough room for air molecules to pass between them. Seven moved her left hand towards Kathryn's face but stopped just below her right jaw, and slowly caressed the Captain's pips on her gray uniform collar. Kathryn's eyes were locked on Seven's, neither woman blinking, the connection becoming nearly physical.
"Recently I have wondered ..." Seven began softly, her voice at a much lower register than Kathryn ever remembered hearing before. The effect on Kathryn caused her to unwillingly tip her head ever so slightly toward Seven's hand as it now rested on her collar. "Which Janeway would respond to my interest in expanding our relationship?" Seven, still looking into Kathryn's eyes and seeing her pupils growing wider moved her finger inside Janeway's collar, rubbing back and forth on the pips with her metal clad thumb while lightly touching the skin beneath. Kathryn's nerve endings felt like they were fighting to possess that ever so small piece of real-estate that was now being caressed by Seven's hand and the sound of her voice.
"Captain Janeway, whose only focus is on her crew and her duty..." Seven watched Janeway fighting to control her breathing, now ragged and hurried. She moved her human hand up just then and placed it over Kathryn's left breast, above her heart and softly applying warm pressure to conclude her question. "or Kathryn Janeway, the passionate woman who has become the person I most trust in this life?"
Seven could feel Kathryn's heart pounding loudly, attempting to leap from her chest into the hand now covering it. Kathryn moved her eyes back and forth looking into each of Seven's eyes, one at a time, in what appeared to be a search for that very answer.
Finally Kathryn looked to the ceiling, towards the heavens then closed her eyes, trying frantically to control the burning liquid that her blood had become after witnessing this display by Seven. Oh Gods, Katie! What are you going to do? No, no...no! This cannot be happening, wake up, Katie. Damn it! Kathryn took a deep breath, praying for strength.
"Seven..." The Captain managed to find her voice, but only if she kept her eyes closed. "I can't..." Just then Kathryn felt something warm against her lips. Seven softly pressed the index finger of her Borg enhanced had against Janeway's lips, making her pause.
"As much as I respect your opinion... Captain..." She grazed her finger across the now silent woman's lips, moving her hand to softly caress Kathryn's cheek, down her jaw line to her chin. "I would rather hear Kathryn's feelings now."
This was Kathryn's undoing. Her eyes flew open, finding Seven's features radiating affection as she waited for Kathryn to answer her. Kathryn began to shake ever so slightly with the magnitude of emotion that was finding its way to the surface, breaking down well built walls and safeguards that the Captain had secured to keep the woman inside from getting out. Moisture was now visible lining Janeway's eyes, and with each breath she now drew, a bit more of the Captain's armor fell to the floor. Finally, a whisper came up from the depths of her need.
"Seven.... Kiss me, please."
Seven was not sure who was more surprised at the words as they were spoken, the Captain or herself. She smiled at the wide eyed realization and need on Kathryn's face. She moved slowly to grant Kathryn's request, hearing the blood rushing in her ears and feeling the heat that now consumed her frame. As their lips touched, Seven was sure that she was experiencing a full system failure of the likes that would require immediate medical attention, but did not want the sensations to stop.
Kathryn dropped the last of her resistance and simply allowed herself to be swept up in the joy that was kissing Seven. She wanted this to happen for so long that when the wave of emotion hit, it was like a super nova within her. She stopped thinking and simply allowed their lips to dance. Seven ran her tongue along Kathryn's lower lip causing a slight gasp and instant access to the inside, drawing a low moan from Kathryn. Now they both found their hands were beginning their own dance, alternating from gentle caresses to more firm and urgent explorations.
At some point breathing became necessary as they regretfully separated. Kathryn's eyes were fluttering open to see the look of bliss on Seven's features. She took in gasping breaths trying to calm her now wide awake libido. Seven slowly opened her eyes, smiling at seeing Kathryn's control and resistance melted into a puddle that she suspected was causing fluid to form at the apex of Kathryn's short but shapely legs.
Kathryn realized that Seven's smile was almost feral, it combined with the same predatory look that had froze her just moments before. Kathryn understood that she needed to slow things down a bit or they would end up consummating their feelings right there in the food preparation area of the kitchen.
"Seven..." Janeway managed to squeak out just as she was distracted by a strategically placed hand, courtesy of her all too quick former Borg. The hand was followed by another that seemingly, instantaneously removed the Captain's uniform jacket with little resistance, then moved to the waistband of her pants. Seven's lips were again assaulting Kathryn's, for a moment the rush of passion came again and she gave way willingly, but then remembered where they were and why continuing in this venue was not such a good idea.
"Mmmm...Darling, please..." Kathryn managed between hot, wet kisses. Finally, Seven slowed in her goal of eliminating Kathryn's clothing, the only barrier holding the woman she wanted from her. Seven pulled away and looked a bit puzzled at Kathryn, worried that the Captain had found a way to counteract the progress she had made in liberating the woman's feelings.
"Darling, we should slow this down a bit...." Kathryn said fighting to catch her breath. "I don't want someone wandering in looking for..."
"A Midnight Snack?" Seven interrupted then smiled with a seductive grin that heated Janeway even more. Kathryn instantly returned the look watching Seven's eyes dance. Gods is she beautiful! What the hell was I thinking, trying to deny how I feel for her?
"Well perhaps not that." Kathryn smiled the crooked teasing smile that Seven had recently started to visualize during her regeneration cycles or when someone mentioned the Captain in conversation. "But it wouldn't do to have someone walk in to witness the Captain and the Astrometrics officer in the middle of..."
Seven moved her finger to Janeway's lips as before, a slight sternness clouding across her features. Kathryn flashed a slight look of frustration and allowed her eyes to express the question as to what Seven was intending. Seven gave Kathryn a concerned look, then moved toward her in what Kathryn anticipated as a kiss, but instead brought her mouth to Kathryn's ear.
"The Captain is not here with us Kathryn." Seven's voice was slow, low and seductive, causing a bubbly feeling in Kathryn's stomach, pulling her eyes closed at the stir it was causing within her. "Picture her... she is on deck one, in her ready room commanding Voyager....she is not here, not with us." Seven reached out with her tongue, lightly running it along the edge of Kathryn's ear causing a faintly more rapid intake of air from Kathryn. "She has complete control of this ship,..." Seven bit down slightly on the lobe which caused Kathryn to feel the clutch of it in her groin. "it's mission, it's crew.." Seven's mesh covered hand found Kathryn's left breast and pressed, finding the straining nipple and pinched. Kathryn stifled a small groan at the contact. "but she shall not have any say as to who you and I love," Kathryn pressed herself into Seven's hand, her eyes fluttering a moment with the sensation then closed, acquiescing to the passion rising within her again. "Kathryn..." Seven softly whispered. "I have taken precautions so we will not be interrupted." She now placed her left arm around Kathryn, bringing her other hand up to stabilize her prize as she lifted Kathryn off her feet. "I intend to make love to you in every section of this ship," Seven now breathed heavily in her ear. "Beginning here..." She then gently deposited Kathryn onto the metal food prep table just below the serving window. "Beginning tonight!" Then she placed her lips firmly against Kathryn's, stifling any argument the Captain might try to voice.
Kathryn felt her objections melt away as she was swept up in the feelings that Seven was waking within her. The severe ache had now grown to a demanding throb between her legs as Seven moved between Kathryn's knees. Seven's roaming hands found the waistband of Kathryn's uniform and proceeded to gain access, feeling the moist heat and coarse hair, she moved directly inside running her fingers over the silky folds, hearing the gasp and what was soon followed by a deep moan.
Seven pulled Kathryn forward towards her, allowing her to prop herself up, giving greater access for Seven as Kathryn began to unconsciously moved her hips to greet the forward and back motion of Sevens hand. Two fingers found their target within Kathryn's exceptionally ready center and the sensation made Kathryn pull her lips away from Seven's mouth, groaning loudly and then she returned to bury her face in Seven's long, smooth neck.
Kathryn was completely immersed in the feeling of herself being pleasured by Seven, her hands on her skin, the way her breath felt on her face as Seven repeatedly kissed and nipped the flesh of her neck. It had been so long, too long since she had been with someone. But this was much more than anything she had ever experienced with any of her previous lovers. This was so much more. She felt safe, loved and for the first time completely consumed by need for her lover.
Kathryn's mouth was wide open, drawing breath and releasing it in staggered moans just as quickly. She felt the tightening of her muscles inside, telling her that she was almost ready to crest. This appeared to trigger a response in Seven who immediately lifted Kathryn from the counter, pulling the now too restrictive uniform pants down from her hips with her free metal clad hand. If there was a ripping of fabric, Kathryn did not register the sound. Kathryn vaguely realized that she was being carried, then found herself reclined on yet another kitchen surface, all the while Seven's fingers remained within her. She only knew that Seven was guiding her, driving her to the amazing undeniable completion of this moment together.
Seven continued to literally rock Kathryn with the intensity of her ministrations. She watched the effect her actions were having on her Captain, her friend, her mentor, and now....her lover. I have become her lover. That thought mixed with the response Seven was receiving from this small yet powerful woman caused her to become achingly aware of her own need. It was a sublime heating and tightening within her. Feeling like every part of her wanted to be consumed by the woman now frantically groaning her name like a mantra.
"Seven, oh god....Oh Se...v...en!..."
The sound of Kathryn's voice calling her name caused a physical consciousness located directly at Seven's core with each utterance of her designation. The fluttering and pulsing tightening of Kathryn's internal muscles told Seven that release was very close for Kathryn. She had already decided which technique she would use to bring Kathryn to climax. The trick was the timing. Too soon and it would not have the desired effect, wait too long, and the opportunity would be missed. But Seven's powers of observation were being clouded by her arousal and the effect this encounter was having. Her respiration, heart rate, and temperature were no longer being regulated by her nanoprobes, she was completely consumed by both her need and the need to satisfy this woman she loved. Love! It was love... that was the missing piece of the riddle of what my feelings are for the Captain...for Kathryn.
The realization fortified Seven's determination to bring the woman she loved to the pinnacle before her own need would be addressed. The now abandoned utensil caught Seven's eye once again. She had been aware of its resemblance to a sexual pleasure device since Neelix had joked about the reaction he would get from the female crewmembers whenever he would use it to draw juice from fruit. It indeed did resemble some of the sexual aid illustrations she had viewed from her research. She agilely reached and scooped up the item with her free hand without breaking her rhythm or causing Kathryn to notice her movement.
Kathryn was almost in total recline, leaning back, eyes closed lost to everything but the communication of Seven's touch. Seven slowed her hand, making Kathryn open her eyes pleadingly, coaxing Seven to return to her previous tempo but she was not to get her way, at least not immediately.
Seven moved to lean over Kathryn, bringing her right knee between Kathryn's legs, removing her hand and pushing her thigh against Kathryn's now abundantly lubricated juncture. The pressure made Kathryn moan her frustration and renewed appreciation. Seven again began to stroke her Borg hand just below the collar where the pips remained fastened like little soldiers.
"It is a shame that your neckline does not have this feature." Seven then removed her fingers from Kathryn's collar, stood and moved her hand up to the collar of her biosuit, touching a spot at the rear of her neckline. The biosuit immediately softened and fell off of her upper body, slowly melting to the floor at her feet. She stepped out of the puddle of material while Kathryn's eyes drank in the beauty before her.
"Oh Gods Seven...," Kathryn rasped with passion at seeing Seven's curvaceous body now without the thin fabric shell. "you are so..." Kathryn suddenly lost her grasp of language. Any words that came to her mind seemed woefully inadequate to express what she saw when she looked at Seven, finally she gave in to the only word that came close. "Exquisite!" Kathryn quickly removed her own gray top and bra then pulled Seven to her, her skin celebrating every touch of Seven's flesh to hers.
Again their mouths met, hungry, searching, teasing. Seven broke the contact first, taking a deep breath.
"Computer, decrease illumination to ten percent." Kathryn managed to open her eyes just as the lights in the room dropped. She found herself looking at seven with somewhat lidded but quizzical gaze. She did not however get to put her question to voice before she was lifted into Seven's strong arms and found herself being carried out into the seating area.
"Seven..." Was all Kathryn got out before soft but firm lips were again assaulting her mouth and her senses. She found herself gently placed on the table to the port side near the transparent aluminum window. The distortion of the warp bubble was not as noticeable here at the front of the ship, and the effect of the stars streaking by caused Kathryn to look at them with new eyes.
"I want to make love to you under the stars of your home in Bloomington Indiana someday Kathryn..." Seven whispered softly in her ear while running her hands along Kathryn's smooth skin. "Until that is possible, this view will have to do." Seven smiled at the look on Kathryn's face hearing those words from Seven. It was passion, love, pride, hope and promise all rolled into one.
Seven commenced by kissing her way down Kathryn's body, beginning at her lips and working her way slowly down. She paused ever so shortly to pay due attention to Kathryn's breasts, suckling each of the blushed yet firm nipples, but then moved on. Each area she moved to was prepared for the contact of her lips by her Borg enhanced hand lightly stroking, and then the act was closed by the sensation of Seven's nails being raked along the skin were her lips had been. Soft moans continued to emanate from Kathryn as her eyes remained closed, her body literally being played by Seven's touch like an instrument.
As Seven moved toward the place where she knew Kathryn now ached again for her attention, she revealed the alien utensil that had captured Kathryn's attention. Seven believed she now understood the fascination that this implement held. She lightly stroked Kathryn's moisture with the tip of the juicer, stroking it teasingly over Kathryn's sensitive folds, watching for Kathryn to realize what she had planned for her.
Kathryn's reaction was at first a groan of pleasure, but then as the texture and density of the thing bringing her this pleasure filtered into her consciousness her eyes popped open and she raised her head to confirm her suspicions.
Seven's eyes again danced when she saw Kathryn's wide eyed reaction to the utensil.
"I wish to optimize the stimulating effect and optimize the production of.... Sweet Nectars." Seven then moved the utensil to Kathryn's opening, pausing just slightly inside the aperture while waiting for a response from Kathryn. Janeway could not believe the explosion of heat, want and hunger that this caused within her. She could barely keep herself from coming from the combination of all of her fantasies manifesting themselves in this moment with Seven. Finally the agony of not having Seven ravaging her completely was too much for her.
"Oh Gods, Seven, please... Inside me, DO IT!"
Seven felt the flush of her fluids at hearing her lover's commanding tones, and the one command that she would never be able to hear again and not think of this moment. She proceeded to move the implement into her lover, pulling it out and back in with slow but firm strokes that not only drew out Kathryn's moisture with each extraction, but also pulled out the most interesting sounds as well.
The vocal range of Janeway was something Seven had never realized, with each new sound Kathryn made, Seven found herself being more and more aroused. She knew that she would have to end this soon, or she would not last without finding her own release. Quickly she moved between Kathryn's legs, bringing her lips to the clef above the appliance and began to press her tongue to the engorged folds of Kathryn's clit, then sucked the bundle into her mouth savoring the flavor and effect.
"Sev...en! O...Fu..c.k!"
With that Kathryn began to buck and lift herself off of the table drawing toward and yet away from Seven's mouth, the climax crashing through Kathryn greater than anything she had ever experienced, a white hot sensation blinding her body to everything but where her and Seven were connected. As Kathryn floated down from her pinnacle of complete ecstasy, Seven slowed her mouth and gently removed the gadget.
Kathryn opened her eyes, finding the woman she loved smiling up at her and realized that she could not go back to a void existence without loving and being loved by Seven.
Seven kissed her way back up Kathryn's body, enjoying the little tremors still working their way through her lover. Watching the effect her touch had on a post orgasmic Kathryn Janeway, Seven knew that this was a rare experience that she would never tire of witnessing, Kathryn completely relaxed, completely at peace.
Seven lay with Kathryn in her arms, running her human hand along the soft curves of her body. Kathryn's head turned toward the window, watching the stars as she drifts lightly in the afterglow of Seven's lovemaking, enjoying the feel of Seven's hand on her body once again. Finally Seven's finger touched Kathryn's jaw, causing her to turn and face Seven. The need seen in Seven's eyes when they met her own broke the spell and caused Kathryn to instantaneously bring her lips to Seven's immediately telegraphing her need to Kathryn's body.
Kathryn withdrew slowly, wanting to take this to the comfort and privacy of her own quarters.
"Computer, two for site to site transport to the Captain's quarters, authorization Janeway Theta Zero Nine One Three."
Seven realized at the same time as the Captain that the computer did not respond as it should. She flushed slightly looking contrite.
"I initiated an override of the computer voice command protocols when I secured the room." She looked up at the ceiling, avoiding the stern look she was sure was coming from her Captain. The lack of access to the computer could have jeopardized the safety of the ship had there been an emergency, or worse. "Computer, restore voice command authorization Seven Omega Nine Zero One Zero." She looked down her body, past her abdominal implants and across the room to the stars outside the windows, afraid of what the now very present Captain Janeway was going to do regarding her blatant disregard for her commanding officer.
Seven felt the touch before she heard the voice, but she would later recall that they were actually simultaneous,
"Kidnapping the Captain is a very serious offense, Seven." Kathryn drew her hand along Seven's inner thigh, and allowed her fingers to linger in the soft patch of damp blond hair before she spread the outer lips and rubbed two fingers playfully along the bundle of nerves within. Seven's eyes moved quickly to Kathryn's as she felt the trajectory of her touch and found the crooked smile and loving eyes just as Kathryn's hand reached its target. Seven could only intake a quick gasp of air as her want jumped back to the front of her mind.
"I am afraid I cannot just let this type of disobedience go without some type of retribution." Janeway then pushed one delicate finger within Seven's tight, wet depth. Kathryn's voice vibrated low in her chest, an irresistible seductive accent to her touch that now completely held Seven's attention. "Seven, are you going to.... Come quietly?" The humor in the innuendo of the question did not escape Seven, even in her highly aroused state. She swallowed hard, her eyes losing their focus for just a second.
"I will attempt to maintain a reasonable decibel level." Seven allowed a soft moan to escape as the Captain now pulled her finger out and returned with another joining the first. Kathryn's smile increased as she realized the burden of command that Seven had taken from her this night, and the power of command that she was returning to her now.
"Computer, two for site to site transport to the Captain's quarters, authorization Janeway Theta Zero Nine One Three, on my mark." Her eyes never stopped drinking in the beautiful creature next to her, she wanted to give Seven an experience that would blaze brightly in that eidetic memory of hers, forever.
Kathryn moved her body so she leaned over Seven and began to trace her tongue around Seven's left nipple, then blowing softly causing new sounds to come from Seven. Kathryn drew the hard pebble into her mouth biting with just enough pressure to cause Seven to shudder strongly, feeling the intake of breath before Kathryn heard the word that she was awaiting for.
"Oh, Captain!"
Kathryn removed her mouth, smiling at the thoughts of what the rest of the night would bring, not to mention the rest of their lives together.
The end.
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