Captain Kathryn Janeway slipped through the holodeck doors and all heads turned. She was pleased at the attention, but still self-conscious. Hopefully, Seven would approve as much, or more, than the crew seemed to.
The knee length black dress fitted her lean figure without revealing every detail. A halter curved around her neck and dipped to a vee daringly below modest, with her Borg cube suspended midway. Black leather knee-high boots hinted of a devilish streak.
The pitch black shade off set the creaminess of her skin, and emphasized her blue eyes and red hair that brushed her freckled shoulders.
Having never seen their Captain attired so, there was a moment of appreciative silence. The whistles came as she wound her way across the room to Chakotay and the Doctor.
"Wow. You look stunning Kathryn." Chakotay tried his best not to leer at his friend. She didn't make it easy in that outfit.
"Ignore the brute, Captain." The Doctor said as he nudged Chakotay aside. "You are the most radiant, exquisite woman here tonight."
"Bet you change your tune when Seven shows." Tom cajoled.
The Doctor frowned disapprovingly and Janeway shifted to see Tom, B'Elanna and Harry approaching.
B'Elanna raised her hands before Kathryn could say anything.
"I don't know, Captain. I'm sitting there minding my own business when these clothes plop in my lap. The Hostess said to dress, I did and here I am."
"Yeah, but she can't touch anything or she gets jolted." Tom snickered.
"You got a death wish, Flyboy?"
"So, anyone thirsty?" Tom eagerly changed the subject. He and Chakotay took orders then headed for the bar.
Harry left to get things ready for some game they were to play, and Kathryn was speaking with B'Elanna, when the Doctors eyes widened in awe. Another hush fell over the crowd and B'Elanna peeked around Janeway.
"Well done Borg." She advocated.
The Captain spun as the crowd parted leaving a path directly from Seven to Kathryn.
"Oh my god." Janeway exhaled.
"Well done, indeed." The Doctor reiterated with the Captain's reaction.
Kathryn was hypnotized by the striking contrast of pale smooth skin and vivid silvery implants as Seven glided forward.
Red heels accentuated her tall, slim stature. Fringe draped from the hem at mid-thigh down to mid-calf and swayed with her every move, teasing with glimpses of long shapely legs.
The deep red velvet dress embraced her with Borg-like precision. Voyager floated enviously at the tip of her cleavage, while the neckline delved several inches below it, making Janeway gulp.
Seven turned when someone called her name, and the Captain had to lean on the Doctor for support. Spaghetti straps criss-crossed and tied just below long, blonde waves, leaving the entire expanse uncovered all the way to her lower back.
"Breathe Captain." The Doctor encouraged. Kathryn nodded absently and sucked in a breath.
Tom and Chakotay arrived with drinks the same time Seven reached the group, and everybody raved about how striking she looked. She smiled and blushed, but hardly took her eyes off Kathryn.
Harry showed up and almost tripped over his own tongue. He managed to control himself and was about to announce it was time for the game, when a voluptuous brunette slid up to the Captain.
"You look deliciously dangerous tonight, Kathryn. For me?" She ran the tip of a fingernail along Janeway's jaw, but the Captain jerked away.
"What do you want?" Janeway demanded, not surprised the Hostess was involved but perturbed that she took human form.
Verdant green eyes devoured Kathryn from head to toe, then scanned the surrounding faces. Spotting Seven she sashayed right up against her.
She coiled around Seven drawing in a deep, lung filling breath. "I do believe I captured her scent perfectly in that rose, don't you Kathryn?"
"You're the one behind all the gifts." Kathryn stated. "Why?"
The Hostess smiled enigmatically.
"Because I want what your crew wants." She waved her arms at those present. Then pointed a finger at Janeway.
"I want you to use that famous Janeway intrepidity and take what you want! Before someone else does." She stated fervently.
"So, happy Valentine's day, sweetheart! Enjoy your present!" She intoned saucily. "Initiate final phase, Operation G.I.O."
Instantly, two cupids hovered over the women, simultaneously shooting Janeway and Seven with their arrows. As soon as the projectiles hit their targets, The Captain and her Astrometrics Officer vanished.
The pandemonium that ensued was brought to a grinding halt when energy fields encased everyone in groups, except for B'Elanna.
"Listen closely." The Hostess advised. "No harm will come to you, or Kathryn and Seven, as long as you heed my instructions. B'Elanna, be a dear and scan for the life signs and location of our lovely ladies."
The Chief hesitated for a moment, then begrudgingly did what was asked of her. She sincerely hoped the shock treatment was over with.
"Sensors show they're both in holodeck two and supposedly unhurt." B'Elanna reported, alleviating some of the tension.
"See? I didn't transport them far. And, once they achieve what we all want them to, they will be released to you as good as new. Well, better, actually."
"What do you mean, 'released'?" B'Elanna asked suspiciously.
The impudent woman stalked over to the Klingon, grabbed her by the back of her neck and yanked their bodies together.
"So inquisitive." She rumbled. "You'll have your answers soon, B'Elanna." With a brisk jerk of her hair, she let B'Elanna sag against a table.
"By 'released', I mean holodeck two is locked out." She smirked. "No one can check in and no one can check out. Any tampering will incur immediate feedback. Think Klingon painstiks meet Borg assimilation tubules."
She blew a kiss to B'Elanna, and with a flick of her wrist the threesome dissolved.
It only took one crewman being rushed to Sickbay for the Senior staff to re-group. After much debate, they decided monitoring holodeck two and searching for a weakness in the program was the best strategy.
If they were lucky, the Captain and Seven would get a clue. And by tomorrow morning there would be a happy Captain, a happy Borg, and a happy crew.
Seven landed with a bounce in the middle of the bed. A second later Kathryn was dumped on top of her with an 'oof!'. It was extremely difficult for Janeway not to dwell on the tantalizing body underneath her, but she needed to regain control of her ship.
In her efforts to disentangle their limbs, the Captain grappled for leverage and inadvertently clicked a button. The sudden vibrating of the mattress provided ample incentive and she catapulted off the bed as if her life depended on it, scattering dozens of pink and white petals all over.
"What the HELL is going on?" she shouted in consternation.
Seven pushed the button again to stop the movement. While, from the reflective surface above them, the vision of Kathryn lying atop her etched into her eidetic memory. Then she calmly rose and studied their surroundings.
"I surmise from the decor we are scheduled to copulate at this time, Captain. What is the relevance of a 'heart' shaped bed and mirrors on the ceiling?"
Janeway's attention snapped to the area in question. With great effort she settled her wildly beating heart.
"They're irrelevant, Seven." She swiveled to fully take in the room. To say it was red was like saying a Ferengi was merely "fond" of latinum. Every available surface was crimson.
Enough is enough!
"Computer. Arch."
Instead of an exit manifesting, the wall converted to a view screen portraying Kathryn and Seven swaying irresistibly close.
"So come on, come on, come on, come on, come on, baby. Stop beatin' 'round the bush, hey. Let's get it on, ooh, ooh, let's get it on...".
Janeway hung her head. Seven mused that perhaps her one failed attempt at dancing was an aberration. The thought of holding Kathryn in such a manner certainly made her willing to try again.
"Computer. End program." Janeway persisted, usurprised when nothing changed.
"Guess we do this the hard way, Seven. Somewhere there's an access panel that will allow us to manually override the program. I'll search in here, you see what's beyond that door over there."
Kathryn had scarcely faced the wall when she was slammed up against it, forcing the air from her lungs.
She felt breasts and hips push into her, pinning her in place, and a leg insinuate itself between hers. While her own hands remained trapped, another pair roamed freely along her torso, fingertips edging just under the hem of her dress.
Without her consent, tingles shot down her spine when moist lips grazed her ear.
"Why are you wasting time fondling this wall when that titillating Borg body is begging you to make her scream?" The Hostess burred. "Haven't you ever wondered just how sensitive those implants are...hmmm?"
Janeway moaned involuntarily. The combination of fantasies those words evoked and tactile stimulation overwhelmed her defenses.
Like a Hirogen on the hunt, Seven moved with stealth and silence.
A Borg hand clutching her throat was the first indication the Hostess had of Sevens nearness before she was hurled through the air. She was so bewildered by the assault that she forgot her ability to switch from solid form to photonic, and thudded into the opposite wall with a crash.
"You will not touch her again." Seven forewarned with vengeance.
Kathryn had never heard the Borg use such a threatening tone. It warmed her to hear such depth of emotion and know it was for her.
The rich laughter of the Hostess broke the reverie.
"Wonderfully played, Seven." She praised. "She loves that you know. When you show that fierce protective side. Makes her feel safe and aroused at the same time."
The accuracy of the statement made Kathryn flush and inflamed her ire.
"You have some nerve." The Captain built up a full head of steam. "Coming onto MY ship, manipulating MY crew, presuming to know MY business! I will not tolerate this insolence!"
"Oh yeah, Kathryn...come on baby, light my fire." She crooned. Seven's fists clinched.
"Can you imagine, Seven?" Her wanton gaze never straying from Janeway's body. "All that pent up passion put to better use? You are one damn lucky Borg."
Kathryn's emotions were bordering on out of control. Calling on every ounce of her Starfleet training, she sought the eye of the storm and compelled the chaos to dissipate.
"I want you off my ship." The force ten glare and calm low timbre brooked not argument.
A flicker of recognition crossed the hologram's face, and she knew she'd best say her piece and leave. Her job here was done, anyway. The low simmer had heated to a high boil just beneath the surface. Now it was up to them.
"Only you have the power to end this program and make me history. Don't ask. Figure it out." All traces of humor were gone. "I heartily recommend you take advantage of this opulent setting." She glanced around the room as if for the first time.
"What do you think, Seven? Red is your favorite color, or could there be something more...appropriate?" She gave Seven a pointed look.
Janeway peered at her Astrometrics Officer, curious as to what the Hostess was trying to tell the Borg.
The innuendo was not lost on Seven. She knew exactly what the Hostess referenced but remained outwardly impassive. This required more appraisement.
"Now, for the rules. There will be no exits, access panels, command codes, or communication. Other than that, anything goes." The Hostess smiled wickedly.
"And I do mean anything." Then she was gone, leaving both women to stare at the empty space.
Seven re-evaluated her theories on the viable motives behind this infringement of Voyager. By her calculations, there was an 86.9 percent contingency the intention was to unite her with Kathryn.
Janeway mentally outlined methods of escape.
"Resume your search, Seven, only this time keep an eye out for any weakness. Just because she said we won't find anything doesn't mean we shouldn't look."
"Yes Captain."
After an extensive survey of the bedroom, and what turned out to be an similarly florid ensuite, they were no closer to expediting their freedom.
The Hostess hadn't exaggerated, but Kathryn saw it as a challenge. She paced the floor desperately trying to figure a way out. Unfortunately, she was at her wits end. Optimistically, her crew was having better luck, and B'Elanna would come waltzing in any minute now.
Seven wondered why Kathryn evaded the most obvious solution. If sexual intercourse fulfilled the obligations set forth in this program, why had they not copulated?
"Captain, there is one tactic we have not employed."
"I'm all ears Seven, what've you got?" The Captain eagerly inquired.
"Consummate the necessary tasks." Seven declared.
Kathryn looked at Seven owlishly for a moment. Did their first time not hold the same importance to her?
"Seven," Janeway began carefully, "when we do make love I want it to be when we're ready, and on our terms. Not due to someone else's influence or obssession. Do you understand?"
"Yes Kathryn." And she did. However, she did not agree. They might have been maneuvered to this point, but they had not resisted, either.
They had savored the gifts, anticipated the culmination of the festivities, and now had been led to the juncture they were en route to all along. Where Janeway saw influence and obsession, Seven interpreted advocacy.
But Seven also knew it was more complex than what brought them here. Having dissected the Hostess' comments, she understood this setting was unacceptable.
If Kathryn wanted it to be special, romantic, then Seven would make it so. She was tired of waiting.
"Computer. Run program 509843."
The computer changed the ambiance from gaudy to inviting. Warmth radiated from a large stone fireplace. Kathryn took a few steps back from the heat and bumped into a massive four post bed.
"Seven?" She turned to where she'd last seen the Borg only to find her inches away. With a touch as gentle as a breeze she cupped Janeway's cheek.
"These are my terms." She brought their lips together in shy exploration, brushing and nibbling. Kathryn gasped when Seven's tongue licked delicately across her upper lip. Tentatively she slid the appendage deeper, and marveled at the feedback this simple act elicited.
When the Captain's knees buckled, Seven wrapped an arm around her waist in support and withdrew slowly.
"Do you still object?"
"God no!" Kathryn entwined her arms around Seven's neck, tangling her fingers in Seven's hair, and crushed their mouths together in a ravaging kiss. She'd never had a more heavenly experience. Desire sang through her veins and pooled between her legs.
Seven once again eased back from the kiss to gauge the Captain's reaction to her touch. She trailed her hands along Janeway's back, across her ass with a light squeeze, down to the edge of her dress. Reversing course, her fingers caressed skin all the way to hips, where she let go and the material fell back in place.
Kathryn's chest heaved with every breath.
Twirling her to face the fire, Seven reached around from behind and repeated the ritual down Janeway's front. This time she added ethereal kisses to her shoulders, neck and upper back.
"Oh Seven." Kathryn whispered, leaning into the Borg's embrace.
Effortlessly, Seven unhooked the halter's clasp and let the straps fall forward taking the outfit with them to the waist. Her hands followed the same path, halting to rub the hardened nipples, making Janeway groan. Pushing the dress off her hips, Seven helped the Captain step out of the pile at her feet.
"You are beautiful, my Kathryn." Firelight dancing sensually over pale skin, eyes darkened with arousal and wearing nothing but the boots was more than the Borg could resist.
Janeway yelped when, with sudden quickness, Seven scooped her up and carried her to the bed.
"You will wear these again." Seven instructed as she stroked the leather from knee to toe devoutly before removing the boots. She had no justification for her behavior, but the sight of the Captain wearing them made her saliva glands hyperactive.
"Yes ma'am." Kathryn consented. Then she sat up and traced her index finger from Seven's neck down through her cleavage, around a breast to circle just outside the areola.
She watched as the nipple puckered enticingly within it's confines, and longed to feel it in her mouth.
"Now it's your turn. Undress for me."
Seven pulled the strap that untied the bow and peeled the dress from her body. As soon as her full breasts were exposed, Janeway swung her legs off the bed, yanked Seven between them and sucked earnestly on a nipple.
"Kath...oh...Kath...ryn!" Seven stuttered at the sensation.
Janeway didn't know what had come over her. She'd never acted so brazenly before. The feel of Seven's breast against her tongue and between her teeth, and the nakedness beneath her palms, was more intoxicating than a bottle of Klingon bloodwine.
Shoving Kathryn away from her, Seven finished stripping and crawled onto the bed, hovering over the Captain.
"Sweet mercy, Seven! You are gorgeous!" Biology and technology swirled together in a heady mix that turned Janeway's brain to mush.
"More." The Borg held her other nipple in offering.
Janeway eagerly complied while her hands went on a mission to seek out every errogenous zone. When her fingers combed through coarse hair and into the wetness, Seven threw her head back and moaned loudly.
"Like that, do you?" Kathryn husked.
"Yes." She exhaled, hips insistently seeking more direct contact.
Flipping them over, Janeway settled on top of Seven, straddling a thigh, and continued her teasing ministrations. With meticulous concentration, she licked, bit and sucked her way from Seven's neck down. Extra attention was given to her breasts and implants. The latter proving especially sensitive, much to Kathryn's delight.
All the while Seven's hips rolled desperately, trying to rush what Kathryn was slow to give. Her panting and soft cries kindling to Janeway's already blazing inferno.
At last reaching her destination Janeway paused, asking an unspoken question.
"Please Kathryn." Seven begged. "Make love to me. I am yours infinitely and completely."
That was all she needed to hear. Spreading Seven's lips with her thumbs, Janeway tasted her lover for the first time with a long swipe of her tongue. She moaned in ecstasy at the flavor, which she would later christen the 'Ambrosia of the Delta Quadrant'.
When Seven began to plead, Kathryn's movements took on more purpose. She held tightly to each thigh as the Borg nearly tossed her off the bed.
Seven was not aware of anything except the electrical surges cascading through her nervous system. As Janeway's actions intensified, so did the sensations. Until, with a burst of light and color, Seven of Nine experienced her first orgasm.
Kathryn was humbled by the power she held in that moment, and the trust that Seven freely placed in her care. Distractedly, she traced the lines of Seven's abdominal implant. The words 'I am yours infinitely and completely' echoed in her mind and her heart.
Seven was the type who 'said what she meant and meant what she said', but Janeway couldn't help wonder. Did she truly comprehend the depth of that pledge, or were the circumstances the catalyst?
"Kathryn." Seven hummed. "You must cease your attentiveness."
"Oh?" Playfully Janeway dragged her tongue up one of the grooves. Seven groaned as her body twitched in response.
"You approve of my...oh." Seven's thought processes stopped as that fiendish muscle snaked its way past her bosom and jaw to outline her starburst implant.
"Approve of your what?" Kathryn asked as she switched to an earlobe.
"My implants." Seven managed to rasp.
"Oh yes." Janeway whispered. "They're marvelously sensitive."
"Indeed." In the blink of an eye Kathryn was lying face down on the mattress, Seven weighing heavily on her back but not unbearably so.
"The Hostess was unmistaken about your 'curiousity'." Seven murmured in Janeway's ear. One hand worked its way under her stomach to burrow into her center, and the other travelled down and lightly grasped behind her knee.
"She was also accurate on how to arouse you."
"Wh-what do you mean?" Kathryn choked out, her mouth dry with this turn of events.
Seven's hand nudged Kathryn's leg to bend, then slid upward to join its partner. Janeway's hips bucked in anticipation. Inhaling deeply, the Borg leaned even closer.
"I could smell you, Kathryn." Seven ground herself into her lover. "It stimulated me."
Oh god, oh god, oh god she chanted inaudibly. She was embarrassed, yet turned on beyond belief. Leave it to a Borg to play her perfectly.
"Tell me, was it her words that excited you? Or her actions?" Seven rubbed her breasts and mound against Janeway while her fingers skirted the areas where Kathryn desperately wanted them to be.
"Seven, please touch me."
A finger swirled over and around Janeway's clit eliciting a growling moan from the prone woman, then stopped.
"Tell. Me."
"God Seven, it was both." Janeway sobbed.
The torturous massage resumed and Kathryn swore she'd go mad with longing. She hoped it was like this every time.
"Then I shall provide both." Wedging her own knee behind Janeway's bent one, she pressed her lips directly to an ear making Kathryn shiver with delight.
"You are at my mercy now, Captain. I will have you as hard and fast, slow and deep, as many times and in as many ways as I choose. Resistance is irrelevant."
A flood of moisture coated Seven's hands, and she decided she had prepared enough.
"I am going to fuck you now, Kathryn."
Janeway cried out as a long finger entered her smoothly and firmly, retreated, then penetrated again. Already on the verge, she knew she wouldn't last.
"Kathryn." Seven was awed by this experience. "You feel...". On the next thrust Seven added a second finger.
Janeway grunted in ecstasy as Seven began thrusting rhythmically. Both hands worked in concert, building a crescendo, the Borg's new found vulgarity running counterpoint.
It launched Kathryn beyond the plane of existence where, for that split second, she was everything and nothing. Then, crashing through all those years of abstinence, she came with a throaty yell of "Seven!".
When awareness returned, Janeway was cuddled in the safety of Seven's arms. A comforting touch swept lightly up and down her back.
"Are you well Kathryn?"
In answer, Janeway rose up on an elbow and kissed Seven thoroughly, but unhurried.
"I am fantastically well, darling."
"Good." Seven sat up bringing Kathryn with her and helping her kneel. Taking each wrist she set Janeway's palms atop the headboard.
"Hold on." She instructed and Kathryn did so automatically.
Seven then reclined, grabbed the petite redhead around the waist and with Borg enhanced strength lifted.
"Seven, what are you doing?" Janeway's legs naturally parted to either side when she was lowered to Seven's face.
"I will taste you know."
"Seven, wait...oh...damn...". Kathryn's grip tightened when the Borg's mouth took in as much of her as possible. Seven hummed in appreciation of Janeway's essence. The more she drank the more she wanted.
"God...Seven wait...oh fuck...wait, wait, wait." Kathryn forcibly jerked herself away from that wonderfully talented tongue.
"Trust me, love." Janeway reversed her position and buried her head between Seven's thighs.
"Ah...I, I...see...oh yes." Seven renewed her own efforts with difficulty. The feel, taste, scent and sounds of Kathryn, combined with the pleasurable things her lover was doing, served to short circuit her cortical node.
She practically shut down when Janeway guided a finger gently into her. After the pulsating feeling of being inside Kathryn, Seven was anxious to derive her own experiences of penetration.
"Did I hurt you?" Janeway worried since Seven's body grew taut when she entered her. Swiftly her wrist was caught and driven all the way in, followed by a carnal moan.
"Do not stop." Seven decreed. The Captain obeyed.
It took a few moments for Seven to get back to her mission, and even less time for her to discover the eroticism of mutual satisfaction. She also admitted, if only to herself, there were situations in which efficiency was not imperative.
One arm holding Kathryn, her Borg hand latched onto a post, Seven rode the wave of passion to its crest. Her yell of release resonated against Janeway, sending her over the precipice as well.
The crew was frustrated. They had explored each tiny weakness they could find, only to be foiled at every turn. Several more crewman had been sent for medical attention, and the mood was somber.
At one point Harry complained that Voyager herself seemed to be working against them.
Still, they had been able to monitor the Captain's and Seven's life signs, who remained alive on Holodeck two, if the system could be trusted.
Down in Engineering, B'Elanna sat at her desk and diligently studied the information on her padd. She hoped staying off the main computer would keep prying eyes from knowing what she was doing. For the Chief Engineer had made a discovery.
Nanoprobes. Reprogrammed Borg nanoprobes, to be precise.
While they weren't an exact match to Seven's, they were definitely related. B'Elanna just hadn't figured out how yet, or what they had been reprogrammed to do.
The tingling of the transporter was the only warning as her office was replaced with a bustling crowd on the deck of a massive boat. B'Elanna looked about in confusion. Some people were climbing the gang plank, bags in tow, to be greeted by a crew dressed in tight white shorts and shirts. Others muddled around chatting and socializing, or waving to people on the dock.
She was scouting the masses for the Hostess, wondering what she was up to, when music blared over the din of voices.
"Love boat soon will be making another run. The love boat promises something for everyone. Set a course for adventure your mind on a new romance..."
Tom would eat this up she thought, crinkling her nose in disgust.
"Glad you could join me." B'Elanna wheeled to face the Hostess.
"What the hell do you want now, and what's with all the crappy music?"
The Hologram tilted her head to better listen to the sounds.
"Hmm...I guess love is in the air, even for you, my dear Klingon." Her eyes trailed down B'Elanna's length. "Oh no, this just won't do."
There was a bright flash, then the two women were reclined on lounge chairs next to a sparkling pool of water. The round, rough textured items in their hands sprouted straws and miniature umbrellas from the sheared off top.
"Much better." The Hostess sighed, sipped her drink and ogled the Klingon.
Feeling a chill, B'Elanna glanced to where her uniform used to be. Instead, she wore two pieces of cloth that covered even less than the Captain's red negligee.
"Seriously?" She dead-panned and leveled a humorless glare at her companion, who shrugged nonchalantly with a coy smile.
"So I like my eye candy."
"How would you like to be decompiled and served as candy?" B'Elanna growled.
With an exaggerated huff the Hostess set her drink down and turned to face the Klingon. B'Elanna put her untouched container aside and crossed her arms.
"Fine, since no one on this ship wants to have any fun." She pouted. "You want to know what's been done to Voyager and why. I can give you those answers, but they come with a price."
"Of course it does." The Chief groused. "So, what's the price?"
The Hostess stared at her intently. B'Elanna felt as if she was being judged for Sto-vo-kor. She almost asked if she passed inspection, but decided she didn't really want to open that can of worms.
"A promise from you, on your honor."
Now it was B'Elanna's turn to scrutinize. What kind of game was being played here? And, did she really want to participate? Did she have a choice? Well, it couldn't hurt to get a little more information.
"What kind of promise?" She asked warily. Somehow she didn't think she wouldn't like the answer.
"The kind you give without knowing the details."
"Kahless woman! Do you have any idea what giving a word of honor means to a Klingon?"
"I do." Was the quiet reply. They stared openly, then. One resilient, the other in disbelief.
"You're as crazy as that Borg if you think I'm going to make an oath to you without more." Despite the bizarreness of the situation, she was impressed with the audacity. She was shocked when she found herself dually impressed with the musculature and curves that strolled away from her. What was that all about? She shook her head to try and clear it.
The Hostess smirked when she peeked over her shoulder to catch the Klingon's gaze glued to her backside. She knew B'Elanna would demand more before committing, but there wasn't anything wrong with having alittle fun in the process.
Casually she made her way to the diving board at the opposite end of the pool. She dove into the clear water gracefully, staying below the surface until she reached the edge at the foot of B'Elanna's chaise. Slowly she eased herself out of the pool, making sure the Klingon got an eye full.
Thoughts she'd never entertained before were carousing through B'Elanna's mind. She couldn't help but watch the droplets of water glisten in the sun as they trickled along the bewitching figure.
She had no clue what to do with these urges, so she did her best to tuck them away for another day. Damn, if this was how the Captain felt about Seven, how the hell did she survive so long without turning into a complete bitch?
Her line of sight reluctantly drifted from visibly hard nipples to amused green eyes when the Hostess sat at her feet. For the first time in a long while, B'Elanna Torres blushed.
"I'm afraid there's not much I can tell you that will put you at ease. The very nature of the subject is such, that even a small detail could reveal too much, especially with the brain power on this ship. However, your attitude was predicted and planned for."
"What do you mean 'predicted'? Are you psychic or something?" She remembered several incidents where it seemed like Voyager knew before they did what they'd try.
"Or something." She smiled playfully. "So, here's what I can tell you. I'm a combination of...let's just say personalities. Which one is front and center is determined by who I interact with."
B'Elanna chewed on that for a bit. Her analytical mind piecing together what wasn't said.
"So, who you are now, with me, isn't who you were with the Captain. To what end? How do multiple personalities affect your objective?"
"Because my mission has multiple layers."
"How so?" The Chief was intrigued. The logistics behind this operation were staggering. She would love to talk shop with whoever was responsible.
"There's only one way for you to find out."
Not one to care about pros or cons, and spurred on by her curiousity, B'Elanna made a snap decision.
"What's the promise?"
"You must swear, on your honor, to explain the situation to the Captain."
"That's it?!" B'Elanna was astounded. Her attention was diverted when the Hostess began crawling up her body. The swaying bosom hypnotized the Klingon.
"With one teeny catch, yes." The Hostess muttered seductively.
"Catch?" The Chief asked, her brain on auto-pilot.
Both women moaned as the Hologram undulated, scraping their breasts together deliciously. It wasn't enough, so the Hostess slipped a hand between them, tugged the barriers away and squeezed their hardened nipples together.
B'Elanna threw her head back and growled, lost in a sensual haze. She felt lips and teeth nip and suck up her neck. A tongue snaked into her ear making the juncture between her legs ache with need.
"Do you promise, B'Elanna?" A knee forced it's way between her thighs to slam against her heated core.
Something feral snapped inside the Klingon. She snarled a 'yes', yanked the Hostess to her by the hair and shoved her tongue deep into the receptive mouth. It was a violent and bruising kiss, worthy of any Klingon, and the Hostess kept pace.
B'Elanna didn't feel the probe.
The taste of blood ignited a hunger that overwhelmed B'Elanna like never before. It provoked her to throw the woman to the ground and ravage every inch of her, inside and out. Just as she broke the kiss to follow that instinct she felt a prick of pain in her head, and then she couldn't move at all.
The Hostess sat up gasping for breath and straddled the slim waist beneath her.
"Damn, I knew you'd be good, but that was un-fucking-believable!" With a shaky hand she wiped the blood from her lip and chin. Seeing the look of terror in B'Elanna's eyes, she gently caressed a cheek.
"I know you won't believe me, but try to relax. The painful part is done. The probe has to temporarily paralyze the body to protect it. Don't want you flapping around in response to the stimuli and hurting yourself in the process." She grinned cheekily. "Once the neural connections are aligned your visual and audio centers will be linked to the probe. All you have to do is just sit back and enjoy the show."
Climbing off the lounge chair she noticed B'Elanna's exposed breast. Casually she shifted the top back in place, but couldn't resist copping a feel.
"We might not have met yet, and, well..." she looked down at her own body. "I won't be in this package." She leaned to within inches of B'Elanna's face. "But, we will finish this, B'Elanna Torres. Till then." She sweetly kissed B'Elanna's lips, then with one last soft touch, she vanished.
Almost immediately B'Elanna was bombarded with fleeting images, like watching a holovid on fast forward. Some scenes dominated her mind's eye, so she knew they were important. But, she also tried to pay attention to the smaller pictures, too. This was the only time she wished for something of the Borgs...her eidetic memory.
Apparently, they were at an anniversary party for the Captain and Seven. Everyone seemed different, though. Like they were...oh Kahless, dammit to hell! Please let me be wrong, please let me be wrong!
Older versions of the entire senior staff were seated at a table, along with a handful of people she didn't recognize.
There was an older woman who reminded her of Janeway. Beside her a beautiful woman, who oddly enough did not remind her of Janeway, but resembled the elder lady, was laughing at whatever the two young girls next to her were saying. Those two looked to be the same age, but didn't really favor each other, one having strawberry blonde hair and the other light brown. Although in many ways they did look like the other two women.
Must be family.
After them was a young woman who didn't really look familiar to B'Elanna because she had aged, but she recognized the exo-cranial ridges of Naomi Wildman.
At her side, talking animatedly to the Doctor, sat a young Klingon/Human hybrid. B'Elanna didn't dwell on the disturbing implications of how much the girl reminded her of a younger version of herself.
The images began swirling nauseatingly while snip-its of conversation played.
"Took them long enough to get together...".
"...the dating game?" That sounded like Tom.
"...complete disaster!" Definitely Harry.
"...wish...go back...change..."
Suddenly, it all settled on the light haired brunette.
"So why don't you?" Was followed by dead silence. Then, the spinning started up again and the voices all ran together.
"...temporal prime directive..." From the light strawberry blonde sibling.
"...not possible..."
"...a friend that can..."
"...Hates temporal..." B'Elanna heard herself try to be the voice of reason.
"...doesn't need to know..."
"...test on the Holodeck..."
No, no, no testing! She cried.
Everything sped up, then screeched to a halt on the Holodeck. Diagrams, blueprints and algorhythms were scattered haphazardly. The Chief Engineer tried to memorize every single calculation and schematic, but they were whizzing by too fast.
Not too fast for her to grasp the ramifications. They had used their combined ingenuity, and nanoprobes donated by the siblings, to create an intuitive, adaptable program. It's sole purpose to get the Captain and Seven to admit their feelings for each other sooner by whatever means necessary.
Even the power surge was pre-meditated to mislead any investigations. However, they didn't count on the codes of Tom's party program merging with theirs. At least that explained why some things were so outlandish.
B'Elanna also learned what the Hostess meant by different personalities. They didn't want any identifiable mannerisms to show, so they programmed more than one personality.
She only caught a quick glimpse of two equations, but it was enough. Seven's personality was programmed to handle any interaction with the Captain.
The second specification stumped her. She might not know this person, but she would never forget the name. As everything went black, B'Elanna repeated the name like a mantra.
The next scene had her as part of a large circle. Everyone who had been present at that first table was accounted for. Unlike the party, a soberness blanketed the room. Looks were cast around the group as the silenced thickened.
"This is it, people. Either we do this or we don't." She heard herself say. Looking at her hand, she saw a disc filled with a mercury like substance no bigger than a pip.
"Let's do it." Tom voted.
"They certainly deserve it." Chakotay concurred.
"The Captain will be most displeased should she find out." Tuvok counseled, and they all turned to B'Elanna.
"Are you sure you can be convinced not to tell her the truth?" The Doctor asked.
Before she could answer, the woman who had been sitting next to the fraternal twins, for that's what she believed them to be, spoke up.
"It's been taken care of to the best of our ability. She'll be persuaded." B'Elanna's brow raised when the woman winked at her.
While she was proud of the fact that they assumed she would figure it out at all, now she understood what that 'teeny catch' was. True, she had to explain things to the Captain. She just couldn't tell her what really happened.
Kahless, how do I always find myself in a huge pile of Targ shit?!
The dark haired twin approached her and held out her hand. B'Elanna held the ice blue gaze.
"You have Voyager's exact coordinates? And, you're positive this friend can open a wormhole that small, for that short amount of time, and still place it where we need it?" It really was disconcerting to hear yourself speak when you knew you weren't actually talking.
"It's her specialty, so she's quite efficient."
Taking one last look at those around her, she wondered how in the bloody hell she would be able to keep all these wonderful secrets.
As soon as she gave up the object she felt the warmth of the sun, and smelled the salty air. Her eyes blinked open to find the Doctor, Tom and Chakotay hovering over her.
"What the hell are you gawking at!" She physically pushed them aside to get to her feet.
"The Klingon lives to tan another day." The Doctor quipped.
"You had us worried, B'Elanna." Chakotay said with concern. "I want you to report to Sickbay, and it's not a request, so go."
B'Elanna nodded her head in acceptance and went to the replicator for a uniform. She wasn't about to parade down the corridors of Voyager in a thong bikini.
She cringed at Tom's question on the turbolift.
"B'Elanna? Who's Phoebe?"
Kathryn stared thoughtfully at the flames as her fingers raked languidly through Seven's hair. She had dreamt of this many times, Seven snuggled up to her, both enjoying the after glow of a long satisfying session of making love. But, the circumstances never involved being locked on the Holodeck.
They could leave whenever they wanted, now. The note that accompanied their replicated meal had made that clear. It also said the exit was encrypted for privacy should they choose to stay a while longer, which they had.
Janeway just wasn't sure what this all meant. She knew what she wanted it to mean, but she also felt like the decision hadn't truly been hers to make. If the Hostess hadn't gotten involved, would they still be here, like this?
And, what of Seven? The Borg had created this setting a while back in the hopes of using it to do exactly what she'd done.
Seduce Kathryn. And, it had been more than she'd envisioned. No, she couldn't go back now. She was addicted to this woman, heart, body and soul. Yet, she was troubled with doubt.
Deceptively strong arms tightened around her, as if sensing her thoughts. She placed a kiss, then rested her cheek on the golden crown at her chest. Seven didn't appear to have any misgivings about what had transpired, or why. Maybe Seven saw something that she didn't.
Or maybe you're over analyzing again, Katie. You finally have a chance to get what you've yearned for, only to toss it out because you weren't in control?
Kathryn let go a deep sigh. That annoying little voice was right. She wanted a relationship with Seven, if the Borg would have her. So what if she hadn't designed the evening? Seven had asked and she'd accepted. Willingly.
Now the question was, would Seven have her. Before Hashri, Janeway had been certain that answer was 'yes'. Not knowing what had caused the Borg to withdraw from her made her unsure.
"You are too quiet, Kathryn. Did I disappoint you?"
"Seven, look at me." The Borg did so, and the openness she displayed brought tears to Janeway's eyes.
"You are an incredible young woman, and I don't regret one second of our time together. I am NOT disappointed in you, and in fact, I hope this is only the beginning for us." She tried to inject as much sincerity as she could to reassure Seven.
Seven's smile lit up her whole face and Kathryn's heart skipped a beat.
God this woman is beautiful!
"But, I need to know something, Seven. I need to know what happened on Hashri, because I don't want to go through that again."
Seven rose up to straddle Janeway and placed a long sensual kiss on her lips. Nothing else mattered except Kathryn wanted to be with her. The past was irrelevant, but she knew her lover needed the assuagement.
"I was incorrect on Hashri. Since you want there to be an 'us', it is not likely to occur again." She pressed their mouths together and Kathryn moaned eagerly as heat thrummed through her body. She groaned when Seven left her to kneel beside the couch.
Seven was the happiest she could ever recall being. She might not have all the nuances of human emotion down, but she was not about to let this opportunity slip away.
"Kathryn, I do not..." She paused to gather herself. If Janeway didn't know better she'd think Seven was nervous.
"I may not have the gift as your tradition dictates, but I will ask the question anyway."
Oh my god! Is she going to ask me THAT question already?!
"Will you be my Valentine? Not just for this ritualistic holiday, but every day?"
This time Kathryn really did cry. How like Seven to bring it home with such simplicity. She grabbed the Borg in a bone crushing hug.
"Oh yes, Seven, YES! I will gladly be your Valentine every single day you wish me to!"
She pulled back to dry the moisture on her cheeks and saw the concern. With a finger to Seven's lips she stopped the question in it's tracks.
"Tears of joy, darling. Now c'mere." Kathryn poured everything into that kiss and let Seven take the fears and insecurities, replacing them with love and determination. Their passion ignited as the kiss deepened and hands roamed.
"Seven, are you tired?" Janeway gasped.
In response, the Borg stood, spontaneously slung Kathryn over her shoulder and headed for the bed.
"Seven! Put me down, NOW!" Janeway demanded. Instead, the Borg slid a hand under Kathryn's robe, up the back of her thigh and buried itself in her wetness.
"Oh god, Se-ven!"
She then unceremoniously dumped Janeway on the bed and slowly licked her finger clean.
"Perhaps you have not heard, Captain."
"Heard what?" Kathryn husked as Seven pinned her down.
"Borg do not tire."
Please send feedback to chromiumheart@yahoo.com